Our Programs

Health and Wellness

Pediatric health care, mental health services, and other programs supporting well-being.

Educational Services

Academic programs that eliminate barriers and open the door to opportunity.

Vocational Services

Comprehensive services to help adults with developmental disabilities reach their full potential.

Healthy Families

Programs for parents and children that keep families safe, supported, and together.

Safe Homes

Programs that provide a safe, engaging environment where every individual, regardless of age or ability, can flourish and live with dignity.

Served over 5,000
Children, Families & Adults with Developmental Disabilities

in over 30 sites throughout Westchester, Rockland, the Bronx, and Harlem.

Employs Over
650 Staff Members

including professionals from the fields of social work, education, psychiatry, psychology, medicine and child care.

Relies on the services of 138 foster homes

and over 60 trained family day care providers to ensure the delivery of quality services.

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Impact Report 2022 - 2023

Impact Report 2021 - 2022

Impact Report 2019 - 2021

Special Thanks to Our Funders

We are thankful for the support from the following organizations in helping us care for at-risk children, adults and families.

CMCS is COA Certified!

We have achieved accreditation through the Council on Accreditation (COA)! We are so proud of our team for this amazing accomplishment. COA accreditation means that our organization’s programs, services, administration, and management have been rigorously evaluated and meet best practice standards.