Health & Wellness
CMCS provides a wide range of mental health and wellness services for children, youth, adults, and families, using a trauma-informed, holistic, and family-centered approach. The McCloskey Cares Mental Health Clinic offers counseling, medication management, and telehealth services to individuals aged 0-24 and adults in need. Our Clinical Foster Care program supports foster care youth with counseling, behavioral assessments, and medical and dental care coordination to ensure they receive high-quality, individualized support. Offered in our Care Coordination Services, our Health Home Care Management program coordinates care across New York City and Westchester County, addressing medical, behavioral, and educational needs while addressing social determinants of health like housing and substance abuse.
Our services extend to adults with developmental disabilities through 24/7 case management and psychiatric and medical monitoring, utilizing evidence-based practices to support individualized outcomes. The Community-Based Services Program provides personalized, in-home support to children and their caregivers, helping them develop new skills and improve overall functioning. We also operate a Child & Adult Care Food Program to ensure that all children receive nutritious meals at no cost, meeting their dietary needs and promoting their well-being. Across all programs, CMCS remains dedicated to enhancing the health and quality of life for the communities we serve.
McCloskey Cares Mental Health Clinic
Our McCloskey Cares Clinic is a mental health outpatient clinic that serves children and youth between the ages of 0-24 years old. The clinic also provides treatment to any adult in the household that is in need of mental health services, individual and family counseling, and medication management via in-person or telehealth sessions.
The clinic is a natural extension of our mission to provide a continuum of community-based services to vulnerable children, families and adults using a trauma-informed, holistic, and family-centric approach. With our main service facility located in the South Bronx, the clinic primarily serves communities with high levels of poverty, where we already maintain a significant program presence.
Clinical and Medical, Foster Care
Our Clinical Foster Care services provide a wide range support to all Foster Care youth, such as counseling, behavioral and developmental assessments, psychological and psychiatric assessments. In addition, Clinical Case Management for all, including referrals to early intervention/CPSE/outpatient therapy are also provided.
CMCS nursing team works with medical providers to coordinate and deliver health and dental care to children placed in foster care. As a liaison among medical providers, dentists, social workers and parents, we ensure children placed in our care are linked to providers that will provide the high quality individualized care.
Health Home Care Management
CMCS is a proud NYS-designated provider of care coordination services for children and families in New York City through two major programs – Heath Home Care Management Serving Children and Community Based Services.
This service system partners with all CMCS programs to ensure that the comprehensive needs of our children and families are met including those served in Foster Care, Preventive programs, the McCloskey Cares Clinic and community members of the general population. Our programs work in a highly collaborative fashion to ensure that all children and families are benefiting from the full continuum of care coordination and service delivery. Our staff works to coordinate health and behavioral health services across multiple providers, and to conduct assessments, counseling, education, consultation, stabilization, advocacy, and referrals for children currently enrolled or awaiting access to newly available services.
By providing a multitude of Care Management supports focused on medical, behavioral and education needs, we coordinate services intended to address each child’s and family’s overall health and well-being. With a particular focus on medical, behavioral, and educational needs, we address concerns influencing the social determinants of health, such as housing insecurity, mental health needs or substance abuse.
Community Based Services
Our Community Based Services Program, which includes both Child Family Treatment Support Services (CFTSS) and Home and Community Based services (HCBS) provides one-on-one support to children and their caregivers, in the home or community. We help families achieve their personally identified goals. Our providers spend time with the child and caregiver while developing new skills, including self-advocacy, understand their diagnosis, developing new coping mechanisms and improving their overall functioning.
Clinical and Medical Services, Adults with Developmental Disabilities
Under the supervision of the registered nurse care manager, CMCS offers 24/7 in person and remote comprehensive case management for psychiatric and medical monitoring to individuals residing in our residences for developmentally disabled adults. Our nurse care managers coordinate the care of primary care, sub-specialists, laboratory testing and ensure compliance with all oversight entities.
We offer 24-7 behavioral assessment and support to individuals receiving day habilitation, residential, and supported employment services, inclusive of the development of comprehensive behavior support plans, functional assessments, electronic data collection and monitoring systems, and training curriculum and implementation for staff. All behavioral interventions are in alignment with evidence based (ABA) practice and aim to support the individual attain individualized, socially significant outcomes. Clinicians collaborate with program planning team members, community based providers, medical practitioners, families, and OPWDD representatives in order to ensure a robust network of individualized supports, which remain in alignment with best practice standards and regulatory requirements.
Clinicians collaborate with colleagues cross-divisionally to provide additional expertise related to behavioral, emotional, and mental health treatment planning for clients and families who receive services across CMCS.
Community Based Services
Our Community Based Services Program, which includes both Child Family Treatment Support Services (CFTSS) and Home and Community Based services (HCBS) provides one-on-one support to children and their caregivers, in the home or community. We help families achieve their personally identified goals. Our providers spend time with the child and caregiver while developing new skills, including self-advocacy, understand their diagnosis, developing new coping mechanisms and improving their overall functioning.
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Please contact us with any questions you may have about those we serve or the work that we do at Cardinal McCloskey Community Services.