Bequests and Wills
Remembering Cardinal McCloskey Community Services in Your Estate Plans
A bequest is a gift through your will or living trust that costs you nothing now but provides support to us after your lifetime. Bequests offer flexibility and can be structured to fit your personal situation. The gift is revocable, so you can change your mind at any time should your circumstances change.
You can make a bequest of cash, marketable securities, real estate, or personal property such as art or jewelry. Or you can simply give us a percentage of your estate.
Sample Wording
Although legal consultation is advisable before you establish any type of will provision, you can make your gift in as little as one sentence:
“I give and bequeath to Cardinal McCloskey Community Services, 115 East Stevens Ave., Valhalla, NY 10595, federal tax identification number 13-1740443, ___% of my residuary estate (or $___, or other property).”
To plan your gift or learn more about variations of how you may direct your support, such as designating your gift for a special purpose or program within the scope of CMCS’ mission, please contact Shiemicka Banner, Vice President of Philanthropy at (914) 640-9042 or for further information.

For more information, please email us at
Please contact us with any questions you may have about those we serve or the work that we do at Cardinal McCloskey Community Services.