Matching Gifts
Employer Matching Gifts
Matching gifts are a wonderful way for companies to encourage philanthropy amongst their employees. Donors can double their gifts to CMCS if they and/or their spouses work for an organization with a Matching Gift Program. In just a few easy steps, you can become a matching gift donor – it’s as simple as filling out a form and returning it to CMCS. If you need further instructions, contact your Corporate Philanthropy or Human Resources department to initiate the process.
Matching Gifts
Contact Your Employer
Contact either HR or Corporate Philanthropy to find out if your company/organization has a Matching Gift Program.
Apply for Match
If your company does participate in a Matching Gift Program, please follow the instructions provided by your HR or Corporate Philanthropy department to fill out and submit the appropriate paperwork.
Submit Forms
Mail the completed forms to CMCS’ Philanthropy department:
Matching Gifts
Cardinal McCloskey Community Services
Attn: Matching Gifts, Philanthropy Department
115 E. Stevens Avenue, Suite LL5
Valhalla, NY 10595
Phone: (914) 640-9042
All Done
Once the match is confirmed, you will be notified immediately confirming your match has been submitted and your company will send the match donation directly to CMCS.

For more information, please email us at
Please contact us with any questions you may have about those we serve or the work that we do at Cardinal McCloskey Community Services.