Our Treatment Family Foster Care Program addresses the needs of children and families with clinically complex needs, ages 3 through 21, who require more intensive services. These children have often suffered repeated or disrupted placements, psychiatric hospitalizations and/or placements in residential treatment facilities. Many have also suffered emotional trauma as the result of physical and sexual abuse, extreme neglect and failed placements. Additional intensive behavioral management training is provided to foster parents who provide a safe home for the children enrolled in this program.
The caseworker in this program focuses on permanency planning with the youth and their family seeking to help the youth develop permanent adult connections. Behavioral health specialists work closely with the child and their foster on agreed upon treatment goals.
In addition to fulfilling the requirements to become a foster parent, foster parents in this program complete a twenty-seven hour skills training program in positive parenting and behavior modification that includes problem solving and working with birth families to understand and recognize the impact of trauma.